My signature, build-on-each-other, coaching programme, Empower > Embody > Connect, is specially devised to help you shape the accent that best serves you.

Bespoke, highly personalised, one-to-one teaching, coaching and support to take you from not knowing where to begin to feeling confident, knowledgable and clear enough to move forward on your own.

Each stage is available in both fortnightly and weekly(ish) formats and you’ll have me in your pocket (via whatsapp voice note and email support) throughout our time together.



To make any impactful change to the way you sound, it really helps to understand how accents work. The first step on our journey will be about empowering you with that knowledge.

Whether your goal is to tweak your accent so you can be better understood, a full blown transformation or to simply to better understand the differences that you’re hearing (or struggling to hear!) in the accents around you, Empower will live up to its name by helping you:

  • gain a clearer understanding of how accents work

  • develop your ‘ear’ for accents

  • identify the features of your own accent that aren’t working for you

  • understand the key features of the accent that you’re aiming for

  • become aware of the shifts you need to make and the steps you need to take to close the gap between the two

Empower is all about getting your mind on side. It gets you out of your own way and frees you up to move on to Embody and Connect with confidence and ease…

    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • fortnightly 60 minute Zoom sessions

    • audio recording of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • 2 x 3 week blocks of weekly 60 minute Zoom sessions

      break week in middle to let things settle & percolate

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session




In Embody we’ll cover the same juicy ground as in Empower* before diving into getting your new accent feeling, (yes, you guessed it), embodied…

Great accent work is so much more than understanding the patterns and doing the ‘right’ sounds and, yet, it is so easy to get lost in that stuff.

The new sounds, shapes and tunes must be grappled with practically, physically.

Together we’ll engage with all the shifts you need to make in a practical way and come up with a plan for getting them into your muscle memory - the only way they’ll feel comfortable and familiar enough to be used to express yourself.

Embody: the antidote to being in your head!

    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • fortnightly 60 minute Zoom sessions

    • audio recording of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • 3 x 3 week blocks of weekly 60 minute Zoom sessions

      2 break weeks in between to let things settle & percolate

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


*interested in Embody & already done Empower or one of my former packages? Contact me to discuss the next step.



Being able to do a new accent is one thing, communicating in it is something different entirely.

In Connect we’ll dig into Empower and Embody* before taking things to my favourite stage: working together to find the best way to integrate all this accent stuff into your life!

We’ll work together to:

  • connect the dots between the new sounds, rhythms and gestures and self expression

  • get you feeling connected and comfortable really communicating using your new accent features or modifications

  • ensure you have tools and processes up your sleeve that make sense for you, your lifestyle and work commitments

    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • fortnightly 60 minute Zoom sessions

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


    • whatsapp voice note and email support

    • 4 x 3 week blocks of weekly 60 minute Zoom sessions

      3 break weeks in between to let things settle & percolate

    • audio recordings of each session

    • detailed notes, resources & action plan after each session


*interested in connect & already done Empower &/or embody or one of my former packages? Contact me to discuss the next step.


Unsure about what to expect from working with me?